Meet your Form Tutor Team

At St Cuthbert’s, we are very fortunate to have a committed and experienced team of Form Tutors. These will be the member of staff that you see each day and will be the first point of contact for all parents/carers.

Please click on the globe near your Form tutor to hear them introduce themselves and click on their bio to read a little bit more information about them.

Mr Lockett
Assistant Headteacher/Head of Year 7

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Mrs Didyk-Wild
Form Tutor 7.1

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Mr Zahoor
Form Tutor 7.2

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Miss Light
Form Class 7.3

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Miss I Chraiti
Form Tutor 7.4

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Miss Monks
Form Class 7.5

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Miss Price
Form Class 7.6

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Mr Miles
Mr Miles 7.7

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Mr Harwood
Mr Harwood 7.8


Form Class: 7:1

I have been a teacher for over 25 years and the last 8 years have been enjoyably spent at St Cuthbert’s.  I love being a form teacher, especially in year 7 where I have spent a lot of years. I also teach Mathematics so will teach some year 7 for Maths as well. I look forward to helping everyone settle in and to have a smooth transition into life at St Cuthbert’s.


I am a geek with helping others solve Maths puzzles.  I enjoy spending time with my family and also walking my 2 dogs.  I am also a QPR fan, though I do not get to go to matches any more due to being busy and I am part Ukrainian and enjoy the cultural side of my heritage.  My other passion is travel and though I have been to a lot of different countries my favourite place is definitely Florida and all that goes on there.


  •   Manners
  •  Helpfulness
  •  Willingness to try or get involved from students


  •   Rudeness
  •  Others feeling down
  • Technology (you will quickly learn that I cannot do much that requires any technology expertise and really do not understand very much in this  area at all). I really hope some of you may be willing to help me.

What part of being a form tutor am I most looking forward to?

I love helping students settle in to school life as smoothly as possible and helping you earn rewards along the way.

Form Class: 7:2

I have been a teacher for 14 years and the last 6 years I have been at St Cuthbert’s. I teach Mathematics so may teach some year 7 for Maths as well. I look forward to helping everyone settle in and to have a smooth transition into life at St Cuthbert’s.


I enjoy cricket and going to the gym. I am a Muslim and my heritage originates from Pakistan. I am blessed with a lovely family consisting of three children and we have a pet rabbit.


– Manners

– Helpfulness

– Thoughtful and caring people


– Rudeness

– Lack of respect

– Lack of organisation

What part of being a form tutor am I most looking forward to?

Getting to know each and every one of you and finding out more about your personality.

My teaching life

I have been teaching for 18 years at several schools in Greater Manchester. For the last 3 years, St.Cuthbert’s has been my home and I absolutely love teaching here. Not only am I an English teacher but I am also the Curriculum Leader for English. I might even end up as your English teacher in year 7!


My biggest loves are: Music, drama, my family and Manchester United – not necessarily in that order! I have sung in choirs all my life and in some wonderful places around the world. Each year I love supporting the school show and I love going to the theatre to watch everything I can. I am a huge Manchester United fan and love going to watch them at the Theatre of Dreams. I have 3 children and 2 stepchildren so my house is always very busy. As a family, we love Harry Potter, Manchester United and singing on karaoke in our dining room.

–    Kindness – we all need to look after each other
–    Honesty
–    Singing
–    Irn Bru
–    Being the best you can be – we should always try our best in everything we do


–    Rudeness
–    People not trying their hardest
–    Traffic jams
–    Garlic – I am allergic… but chocolate is always a winner!

What part of being a form tutor am I most looking forward to?

I am looking forward to helping you settle in to our school community and supporting you to be the best you can be!

Miss Chraiti

Form Class: 7:4

I have been a teacher for a couple of years now and I have been working at St Cuthbert’s for a year.
I love being a form teacher, and I’ve always wanted to have a year 7 form as I love helping new students settle in. I am from France, and I teach French and Spanish so I will be teaching some of you next year.  I look forward to helping everyone settle in and to have a smooth transition into life at St Cuthbert’s.


I like to go for long walks with my dog and family, as well as travelling and learning new things. When I am not out, I also like to stay at home and watch films, do jigsaws, making crocheted things and playing video games.

Form Class: 7:5

I am a PE teacher and absolutely love teaching this subject at St Cuthbert’s. I’ve been teaching at St Cuthbert’s for the past 7 years and have been a teacher for 9 years in total. During form time, I think it’s important that we respect one another whilst also enjoying our form time activities. I will always encourage you to join in with the extra-curricular life of the school as well as working hard in lessons.


During my spare time I love to run. I compete in athletics and cross country during most weekends representing Trafford Athletics club as well as playing netball for my local club, each week.  I also competed in trampolining for many years. I like watching sport and can’t wait to watch the Olympics this summer! Aside from sport, I love travelling during the holidays and learning about new places and cultures. I also love hiking up mountains. My favourite thing to do is spend time with my family, friends, and dog.


–    Anything adventurous
–    People who are kind to others
–    Teamwork
–    Sport
–    Animals (especially dogs)


–    Lack of manners
–    Excessive phone use/ choosing to be on the phone rather than speaking to those around you.

What part of being a form tutor am I most looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to learning about all of you! I’m looking forward to hearing about your interest, hobbies, family, pets etc. I’m also looking forward to helping you all make a great start at St Cuthbert’s and want you all to be as happy as you possibly can be. I hope you all enjoy your summer holidays and I hope you’re all looking forward to being part of form 7.5 at St Cuthbert’s in September.

Form Class: 7:6

I have been a teacher for eight years and spent the majority of my teaching career here at St Cuthbert’s. I am a teacher of Science and I have had the pleasure of being a form tutor for most year groups. I can’t wait to meet you all and help you settle in and start your journey here at St Cuthbert’s!


I have two young boys so love spending time with them but I am also really active in my spare time and enjoy going out running and kick boxing. I love reading and spend a lot of time learning about recent scientific studies and discoveries around the world!


–    Students who try their best at everything they do
–    Smiling faces, pleases and thank yous!
–    Students who are organised and on time


–    Students feeling down and upset around me
–    Being late
–    Spiders!

What part of being a form tutor am I most looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to helping you settle in at St Cuthbert’s, making sure you are all happy and being a part of your journey through our wonderful school. Welcoming each of you to school in the morning is something I am really looking forward to and starting your day in the perfect way!

Mr Miles

Form Class: 7:7

I joined St. Cuthbert’s last school year and I have truly enjoyed every second of it. I was a year 7 form tutor last year and worked together with my form to become, in my opinion, one of the best forms in the whole school! I also teach Science! I look forward to helping everyone settle in and to have a smooth transition into life at St Cuthbert’s.


I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to video gaming. When I need to relax, I like to play on my PlayStation with my friends. I’m also a Wolves fan! I’ve just started running again after having a busy year to keep up my fitness.


  • • Manners.
  • • Humour/jokes.
  • • Positive thinking people who just want to help everyone.


  • • Rudeness (especially talking over others/shouting out).
  • • Coffee.
  • • Things being out of place. It shouldn’t bother me, but it does!

What part of being a form tutor am I most looking forward to?

Meeting new pupils and helping them settle into their new and exciting life at St. Cuthbert’s.