Letter from the Headteacher

Dear Parent/Carer


You will be aware that we recently had an Ofsted inspection (29th and 30th March 2022) and I am pleased to share the attached report with you.

There have been significant improvements in our school since our last inspection. We feel happy to be moving in the right direction and pleased that Ofsted recognised these positive changes.

“This is a school where all pupils fit in and feel welcome, safe and happy. Pupils are knowledgeable about, and accepting of, each other’s differences. They told inspectors that staff resolve any bullying incidents quickly.”

“Pupils benefit from an effective personal development curriculum. Pupils are well prepared to make the most of their lives in and beyond school. Many pupils enjoy the various clubs, activities and responsibilities that they are offered. “

We remain focused on improving our school further and securing good outcomes for our students.

“This is a school in a period of change. Senior leaders and governors have begun to address the weaknesses that have held back pupils’ success in the past. Leaders are taking steps to provide pupils with a broad and high-quality education.”

“Leaders want the best for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who are disadvantaged. Pupils’ quality of education is improving.”

Building a good school is a joint effort and we are grateful to our staff, parents and community for their continued support in supporting our young people to be the best that they can be.

Yours sincerely

Mr D Shields

Head teacher

Ofsted Reports

Ofsted Report