Online Safety is a child-safety issue and not an ICT issue. It is a part of safeguarding in schools. For example, cyber bullying is considered alongside real-world bullying. In an increasingly digital age we need to be proactive in protecting stakeholders from the potential dangers. 


  • To empower students to take responsibility for staying safe online. 
  • To equip parents/carers with the skills to ensure e-safety in and out of the home environment. 
  • To provide staff with the skills and knowledge to both teach and be aware of Online Safety issues. 
  • To ensure that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and adhered to. 

Roles and Responsibilities

All staff are responsible for e-safety at St Cuthbert’s. The named governor for Safeguarding in the school is Mrs G Cockroft.  

  • The school has two members of staff who are both NSPCC e-Safety and CEOP Ambassador qualified. 
  • All of the ICT support staff are CEOP trained and NSPCC qualified to recognise potential e-Safety issues. 
  • We employ a number of different systems to monitor web access in school, these include, ImperoSmoothwall and Exchange 

Support for parents and carers to keep children safe online 

Online Safety Policy

Online Safety Policy