CEIAG stands for Careers Education Information and Guidance. It is a statutory requirement that it is provided by all schools to students from Years 8 – 13.

CEIAG at St Cuthbert’s is designed to prepare students for life in modern Britain by providing the knowledge, understanding, confidence and skills that they need to make informed choices and plans for their future learning and career.
St Cuthbert’s is committed to providing high quality, impartial information, advice and guidance to every student throughout their school career. Our CEIAG starts in Year 7 as a part of the Skills For Life programme and continues throughout their time with us to ensure that students leave us well prepared for their future.

At St Cuthbert’s evert aspect of our Careers Education Information and Guidance is designed to deliver our mission ‘to be the best that we can be’ for all of our students regardless of their abilities or ambitions.

CEIAG provided by the staff of St Cuthbert’s aims to:

• Raise students’ aspirations about what they can do in the future through the inspirational experiences that they receive
• Provide all students with informative and unbiased careers education and guidance about the full range of options available to them
• Meet the Gatsby benchmarks set out by the government as a beacon of best practise to ensure all of our students have a vast array of opportunities relating to CEIAG
• Ensure all students leave St Cuthbert’s well prepared, informed and making the right choices about further education and the world of work

To find out more about Careers, please contact Miss J Holt on 01706 647761 or email jholt@stcuthberts.stoccat.org.uk


General careers websites:

  • National Careers Services is a useful website detailing hundreds of careers including the what the career involves, pay and qualifications needed.
  • iCould is a useful website for Yr. 7-9 detailing different careers and offers a quiz to help identify suitable careers.
  • Positive Steps for young people in the local area.

Some popular career sector websites:

A selection of websites for apprenticeships:

  • Rochdale Apprenticeships – details current vacancies in Rochdale/Greater Manchester and offers registration to receive support in getting future vacancies. There are other training providers that can advertise apprenticeship vacancies on their websites but the majority of these can be accessed via Rochdale Apprenticeships. More precise information can be given in the school careers appointments.
  • Government Apprenticeships details current vacancies across the country and allows a search for vacancies in the local area.​
  • Career Map allows vacancies to be selected in the local area.

Further education college websites can also offer apprenticeship opportunities.

​Access Manchester

The University of Manchester offers a number of Pre-University schemes that give students a taste of higher education learning, life and the opportunity to earn a reduced A-Level offer to study with us for their undergraduate degrees. Apply during sixth form but keep a look out for when applications open after receiving your GCSE results!

Please click the link below to take you to the Access Manchester website. access.manchester.ac.uk


We are always looking for local employers and organisations to support our careers programme, to allow our young people to find out about a range of sectors, industries and roles. There are a few different ways that you can be involved:

  • Presentations to students through the personal development programme
  • Year 11 Careers Day – Meet the employers
  • Year 11 Careers Day – Mock interviews
  • Work place safaris
  • Whole school careers week – Celebrated in March
  • Year 10 experience of work day – Completed in July
  • Supporting our curriculum delivery through real life exemplifications of subjects in the real world.

We would welcome any other ideas. To find out more please contact Miss J Holt – 01706 647761 / jholt@stcuthberts.stoccat.org.uk