Our Mission Statement challenges every member of our community to ‘make Christ known and be the best that we can be’, not just academically but also spiritually. At St. Cuthbert’s, students are given every opportunity to grow spiritually. Students are invited to pray daily, and attend acts of collective worship regularly. These include, Mass, para-liturgies, Chapel assemblies, and year group assemblies. Pupils also take part in religious retreats and days of reflection such as St Cuthbert’s feast day, they have opportunities to become leaders by becoming a member of the Eco club or a GIFT Chaplain, who work with local and global charities and plan and evaluate daily acts of worship in school. All of these opportunities allow each student to develop into the spiritually aware, well-rounded individual they were created to be and bring about the Common Good.

The Catholic life of the school is at the centre of everything that we do, and all pupils are actively welcomed and encouraged to join in regardless of their belief or non-belief to Make Christ known and to be the best that we can be.

We endeavour to give all members of our school community the opportunity to bear witness to their faith and bring Christ into their lives  in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church.  Each form group will plan and take part in a chapel assembly on a rota basis.  Fr Michael comes in to deliver mass to each year group and Sr Linda comes in to deliver confirmation sessions to our Y8 students.

We believe it is important to come together to celebrate significant milestones in our students’ journey.  These are marked by para-liturgies which are prepared and led by our gift team members.  These include welcome, Easter,  Advent, and end of year liturgies as well as remembrance day services where the whole school comes out together to pray for those we’ve lost.